TUPE means exactly the same terms and conditions Tell her to tell the boss haha,funny joke,Love,but I'm not falling for it1 ANSWER An employer can required its employees to work 7 days a week all of the time or for a short period of time when necessary However, after 40 hours in a single week, the employer must pay overtime (time and a half) to nonexempt employees (usually hourly employees)All workers are entitled to have breaks while they are at work and rest periods between working days or nights To find out what breaks you should get at work – see 'rules' below The Organisation of Working Time Act 1997 sets out employees statutory minimum entitlements for the working week, annual leave, night work, breaks and rest periods

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Working out 13 days in a row
Working out 13 days in a row-It is highly likely that you could have the most substantial benefit from a three day a week program You should lift to train Training is done with a long term goal in mind If all you need is exercise you should go for bike rides, walk the dog,There are no laws in New York that would prevent you from working 13 days in a row if you so choose If you would rather not work 13 days in a row, NY State labor laws require that you be given 24 continuous hours off within every 7 days of work if you are not a white collar worker

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13 days was my max Was scheduled to work FriMon two weeks in a row, but I was also scheduled for a training one those off days I got told that the training was vital that I receive (It wasn't, literally haven't touched the subject of the training since)Try working 13 hour days 17 days in a row and squatting every few seconds for those 13 hours P PAIN hahaha http//wwwfwagovau/docume nts/legislation/fw_act/fw_act_con01htm#P2433_ (1) An employer must not request or require an employee to work more than 38 hours in a week unless the additional hours are reasonableSo if you do 9530 MF ordinarily that's a 375 hour week, and over a four month period adding in the eight additional days for the weekends, then you have a total amount of time worked of 375*13 and 525 * 4 which totals up to = 6975 hours which averages out over that time as an average of 4102 hours so well below the 48
This The majority of the working world in the United States works 5 8 hr shifts per week If you are full time working 8 hr shifts as a staff nurse, you will need to work 5 days/week 3 12s depends on where you work and the needs of the unit 0 Likes MunoRN, RNContact the Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS) on 13 14 50 Hearing &The employer may designate a different seven day period If you work six days in one workweek and seven in the next to constitute the 13 days you asked about, you only get overtime after you have worked more than 40 hours in the workweek in which the days fall Everything starts over at zero when one workweek ends and the other begins
Rather, they are entitled to one day off for every six days they work in the same calendar month To be sure, if an employer "reasonably requires" someone to work for 21 days in a row, he or she is allowed to do so as long as he or she gives the employee three days off at some time throughout the month Exceptions to the RuleIf it's truly two separate work weeks, then the answer is probably yes Suppose you have a week of Sunday Saturday, which is pretty common I can schedule you for Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat in this week and then Sun, Mon, Tue and Wed of next week ThereThe number of days in a row is up to you unless otherwise specified by your employer Can an employer make you work 11 days in a row?

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As a result of the ECJ's decision, an employer in the UK could, technically, require an employee to work for 24 consecutive days, provided the other entitlements set out in the WTD are satisfied The case, was, however, concerned with the WTD, not the WTR, and any requirement to work 24 consecutive days could be open to challengeBut that does not mean that an employee cannot be required to work any more than six days in a row Rather, suppose in week one an employee was off Sunday and worked Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday In week two, the employee worked Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and FridayIs it true that in New York State a person is not allowed to work more than 13 days in a row?

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It depends on the intensity on those days Just from the information, your biceps and shoulders are more likely going to take the most beatings because of the consecutive days of training (And i say most likely because that depends on how long yoIt doesn't matter how many days in a row you work It matters what days those are For example if you work Thursday Saturday then Sunday thru The next Thursday—that is 8 days straight but two separate weeks even if the pay period is a two week oI am between Uni and going back home for the summer and instead of waste a months rent I have stayed in my halls to work

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Said differently, the law provides that you, as an employee, are entitled to a day of rest during the designated 7day workweek established by your employer, otherwise, your employer would be in violation of Labor Code section 552 and subject to penalties No employer of labor shall cause his employees to work more than six days in sevenThey more than likely are going to use you everyday for the next 18 days!Yes, an employer can force an employee to work 13 days straight UNLESS the employee has a written employment agreement or contract with the employer that prevents it I know that it may seem to be unfair/unjust, however, state and federal law does not prohibit it

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Speech assistance Call through the National Relay Service (NRS) For TTY 13 36 77 Ask for the Fair Work Infoline 13 13 94 Speak &The law specifies that a day of rest must be "in addition to the regular period of rest allowed at the close of each working day" An employer who made you work until noon one day, for example, and then report back at noon the next day, could not call that 24 hours off a day of rest The law presumes that Sunday will be the one rest day in sevenCertain jobs in the oil and gas industry require that persons work in rotational shifts of 28 days That means being on site for 28 days and taking a break for the next 28 days Offshore drilling jobs are a classic example This type of work routine has its advantages but also several drawbacks We look at both

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